fabulous folksy finds – applique

I advertise quite a few bits on folksy and love looking at other people’s makes.

I love the idea of being able to put my hand to making anything but there are so many makers out there with unique and fabulous styles that make their things both inspiring and interesting .

These are some fabulous folksy finds for appliqué.


two little birds - house appliqué cushion

I love houses as subjects and this house cushion is so cute.

DEW - flower appliqué baby blanket

This gorgeous baby blanket is great fun and would be a lovely bright addition to any nursery

tickety boo - textile picture over the hills

If I lived in a fabric world, I would love to live here!

purely fabrication - cat and birdhouse cushion

This image is so simple but so effective, you can just feel the cat’s patience.

dear emma - fabric bowl with cheeky blue tits 'breakfast'

I loved this fabric bowl so much that as soon as I found it, I bought it and it has arrived. It was just like Christmas morning unwrapping it. It is exquisitely made and it was packaged so wonderfully. I love it !

edie sloane - linen pear bag

I have a real weakness for bags and it took me all of my self restraint not to order this.

lynwood crafts - sea pink card

The lynwood appliqué makes are so detailed they are amazing and so incredibly unique. I love them.

minxtures - camo cameleon PE drawstring bag

These lovely PE bags have inspired me to make a couple for my little friends William and Henry.

grandmas kitchen stitched - striped peg bag

I am so delighted to see peg bags back in fashion. Why did we ever think we could do without them?

little blue mouse - shoulder bag

I adore the tree on this very sweet shoulder bag.

handmade house - your house

I am in the process of making an appliqué picture of our house and a scene from the village and love this gorgeous thatched cottage with it’s busy garden overflowing with cottage flowers.

jane lightfoot designs - fabric covered note book

Stationery that is beautiful is the only stationery to have and this note book is particularly gorgeous. I’d almost be terrified to write in it it is so nice.

My own appliqué is all hand done but these beautiful finds, especially my new fabric bowl,  have inspired me to thread up my sewing machine and give the embroidery silks a short rest.

My next subject for fabulous folksy is going to be knitting.