tinyinc’s lion cushion

Alex the Lion

I was delighted to be asked recently to produce a lion cushion for a little boy called Jack who had seen the block for Bertie’s Blanket and thought the lazy lion looked like Alex from the Madagascar film.

Jack has taken delivery of his cushion, thanks to a very kind friend of ours who couriered it and safely delivered it by hand to his mummy.  He likes it and his mummy likes.  I can let my breath out now!

I love doing these cushions, pictures and blankets but can never quite believe that people like them as much as I do.  I’m delighted!

barry the buzzy bee

Whilst making Jack’s cushion, I realised that there is a little character who is starting to appear on a lot of my pictures….

The little character is a buzzy bee and I’ve decided to call him “Barry’.

We have a local bee keeper who is called Barry and he very kindly gave us a talk and tour of some of his hives during the summer while we were out on a bike ride. He now sell his honey through our local butcher and a jar is always in our kitchen cupboard.  We have orders from our friend’s kids for his honey too.  He is a busy bee keeper.

Anyway, I’d quite like to keep bees myself but until a time when I can, I like the wee bee in my pictures and I like Barry’s honey so it seems fitting to call my wee bee Barry.

I hope Barry doesn’t mind.

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