Ironing Board Covers

fabric for the job

fabric for the job

An ironing board is necessary part of our household kit.

Especially if you sew

But they are pretty boring and not usually very attractive.

I dislike the quality and feel of most commercially available ironing board covers. I’m not that keen on most of the patterns available either.

With very little effort, however, making your own is very easy.

edges formed and ready to take cord

edges formed and cord threaded

Using the old cover as a template, simply measure out your fabric.

Don’t forget to add for your hem (about 2.5cm) which needs to be doubled over and stitched with a double row of top stitch about 1cm away from the edge to make it strong when you tighten  to fit but also to allow your cord to be fed through,

cord clip to hold it tight

cord clip to hold it tight

If you are lucky like I was with my £5 board from the closing down sale at woolies (thanks mum!) it has a cunning little piece of plastic to help you tighten the cord!

board with the trimmed wadding to fit

board with the trimmed wadding to fit

I was going to make the cover in the same fabric as I used to make the cover for my shopping basket but sadly, I have very little left and it certainly isn’t enough to cover my ironing board.

shaped at the iron stand end

shaped at the iron stand end

I like the floral print that I made Millie’s pencil roll out of and I still have a few meters of that left so I decided to use that instead.

I had various lengths of cord spare from doing a bit of picture framing that were long enough to do the job so I only had the wadding to buy (I wouldn’t even have had to do that except I no longer have any left in my stash!!!).



It didn’t take long at all and now I can iron out the freshly laundered additions to my fabric stash.

washed and ironed car booty fabrics

washed and ironed car booty fabrics

10 thoughts on “Ironing Board Covers

  1. I do really need a new cover for my ironing board and I have been considering drawing a grid out on one to help with steam blocking my CAL squares. It would make it much quicker to pin them out to the right size!!

      • both my grans and my mum used to recycle blankets and towels for their ironing and I remember my gran had a timer ironing board with an asbestos board (eeeek!!!) iron stand on a section at the end. It was probably THE best ironing board ever.

      • Ooooo towel, even better idea. I haven’t got a spare blanket but slightly grey but still perfectly usable towel…. I have at least one of those 😉

  2. I’m going to have to try this (after I finish a couple projects for my sister’s wedding…which is a week from yesterday…yikes!). My ironing board has a terrible old cover and it keeps getting captured in the background of my pictures. I’m sure any fabric from my stash would be a great improvement.

    • It was such a quick fix and I knew I wouldn’t be happy with anything I bought. I’d give the same advice as I gave to Patch though…… put lots of wadding underneath. It is much more sympathetic for us sewers and makers.

      Good luck with the wedding makes!!

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