Summer Dresses

navy, white and red daisy pinafore

navy, white and red daisy pinafore

A while ago, I made my nephew’s little girl Ella (named after her paternal great gran and one of my favourite names) some pretty princess pinafore dresses for her birthday.

I am going to Harringay Market again soon so I thought I’d make some more ready for the summer.

shoulder button detail

shoulder button detail

They are very cute and perfect for the warm weather.  The ‘new baby’ size is particularly cute.

The possible variations on these are endless, I have put buttons on the shoulder fastening of all so far but have varied the style and number of the pockets on each one.

rolled hem ready for hand sewing

rolled hem ready for hand sewing

I sold one of them a few weekends ago and it is off to be worn by a little girl in Spain this summer.

I have 3 available at the moment but will certainly be making some more.

I’ve concentrated on using some of the floral fabrics from my stash but will be venturing into using some of the lovely, lovely fabric pieces I have bought from The Village Haberdashery as well as bringing in some of my hand applique which I have been missing lately.

What do you think?  Any suggestions for variations?

10 thoughts on “Summer Dresses

      • Summer dresses seem to be the thing to make at the minute. It’s great seeing all the different fabrics and styles.

      • I keep getting distracted with orders and LIFE as I am supposed to be making loads for the next fair I do!!

        Eek, I’m a bit behind!!

      • It is but I suffer with lack of confidence (do ppeople actually like my stuff and if I have priced it right, that sort of thing).

        I could sell other people’s stuff no problem but struggle with my own.

        Things do sell so I should try to remember that.

  1. Cheryl the dresses look lovely, love the navy and red fabric, would buy one if only the babies in my family were girls!

  2. So cute! You could do one with a different coloured pocket maybe? A bright red pocket for example, could work on the blue daisies there. Very cute. I was looking at Burger Bear on twitter the other week (checking to see if he was there for someone at work who wanted a burger!) and saw photos of your bears. So weird when worlds collide 🙂

    • I love the red button detail on the blue daisy dress so thanks, I might try the red pocket before I start the plan ones with applique decoration.

      I know what you mean about our worlds colliding. I met someone at our local market recently who’s cards I like and have been following on twitter and boom! up she popped!!

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